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Servant/Heroic Spirit
Assassin Manslayer class
Age summoned: 27
Age at death: 27
Birth Date: February 14th, 1838
Death Date: May 11th, 1865
Orientation: Gay
Gender: Transmasculine
Pronouns: He/Him

written by Alexei
content warnings:
sexual themes (outright smut is in DMs only!)
light trauma-induced misogyny
gore, death, blood, and related themes
themes of homicide and war

SFW headcanons

(.) he has a pretty gnarly scar around his neck from where he was beheaded in life. he hides it 99.99% of the time with either a scarf or the collar of a shirt, ie a turtleneck.
(.) i play izou pretty close to how he acts in redline more than fgo, with personal liberties here and there. this ultimately means he's less of a sword-for-hire (though he'll still absolutely take money to kill someone), and more of a deranged psycho that wants nothing more than to chop people up in the streets. he's as much of a serial killer as he is a 'genius swordsman'.
(.) more a reminder of canon, but, he never really finished any school of swordsmanship. he's a fast learner and incredibly bright when it comes to the sword, but he always quit his lessons about two weeks or earlier before being officially named a "master" at any discipline. that said, he can steal and replicate any sword technique that qualifies as Anti-Personnel and does not rely on special characteristics of a Noble Phantasm near perfectly, even if he's only seen it once.
(.) his only fear is not knowing what to do in a given situation. having something be out of his absolute control and instead in the hands of fate makes him incredibly uneasy. strangely, this fear is what makes gambling "fun" for him. he dislikes people mocking him and/or ignoring him as well as people lying to him, and will kill (or attempt to kill) those who try to do these things.
(.) it's also canon that he has a drinking problem. a bad one. he's a very, very sad drunk, too. but let me know OOC if this bothers you, and i can dial it back for the sake of comfort.
(.) he doesn't enjoy being touched by anyone aside from a chosen few with his unspoken permission.
(.) yes, i gave him large/elongated canines. i like big teeth. don't look at me.
(.) izou is rather morally grey, mainly leaning into "evil" ideologies. he kills for fun, but will still do things to care for those close to him that don't involve violence, and is actually a good person to vent to for those few friends he has. however, he is not at all a pleasant person. he's blunt, harsh, stubborn, and holds grudges very easily. there is a reason he has very few actual friends. this is only partially due to him actively trying to push people away, as well-- he doesn't have to try too hard to be an unpleasant bastard. the burden of effort falls entirely on people who wish to reach out to him despite his demeanor.
(.) at times, okada is prone to major dissociative episodes. he has no symptoms of identity disorder; this seems to be as a result of something related to trauma or directly to his personality. if he were to be diagnosed by a modern mental health professional, he would very likely be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder as well as complex post-traumatic stress disorder. the main takeaway from this is that while he certainly has obsessive tendencies as well as a nearly counter-intuitive approach to interacting with his peers, this behavior is not without basis. this also does not cause his violent tendencies, don't be stupid like that-- his violent tendencies began as poor impulse control, but the environment in which he was raised encouraged him to turn to killing. his downfall came from the requests of those he wished to please.
(.) on a lighter note, there are things he enjoys greatly. while he's known to love alcohol and gambling (despite being awful at the latter), he also has a fondness for cats and finds himself caring for strays often. other hobbies include woodcarving, studying survival skills, cooking simple single-serving meals, and the exchange of scary campfire stories (his favorite of these tales is the story of a woman known to scare away every suitor in only three nights. ask him to tell it, he'd be delighted).

NSFW headcanons

(.) in terms of chest dysphoria, okada dealt with it as he dealt with many things: a bit too directly. around the time he hit puberty and began developing breasts, he actually took it upon himself to mutilate his own chest to make it impossible for breasts to properly develop. his wounds were stitched up and treated, and the 'news' was broken to him gently that his chest would never properly develop, but his only response was simply "good, then my work wasn't for nothing". for a while, people thought him prone to self-harm due to this incident, but from there, he had no other known incidents of severe self-injury. this was just another sign of his own stubborn drive to control even what seemed impossible to control.
(.) that said, he doesn't feel any sort of shame for having a vagina. this feeds pretty well into his pride of being a stand-out among men, okada taking it as a sign that instead of being born "female", he was simply born male "without a weak point". he's incredibly stubborn about this point, too. his parents never really knew to voice their opinion, either, due to him growing up in a way where his parents never really knew their child all that well, and those who saw him nude in life didn't dare ever say anything contrary to his beliefs out of outright fear of him.
(.) his lack of a "weak point" (penis and testicles) is such a point of pride for him that he had the characters which spell 'hitokiri' tattooed vertically above where his womb is/should be. everyone's pretty sure he had that done after being summoned. it also serves as a reminder for those he's intimate with of the specific danger that comes with being close to him.
(.) he makes it no secret that he's a sadomasochist, but seems to prefer being on the receiving end of pain. when allowed to be sadistic, he tends to get "carried away" and venture into more lethal territory-- he'll cite this as a "reason" he prefers receiving pain. however, this doesn't mean he won't allow himself to give as much pain as he gets.
(.) he's a powerbottom at best. he just vastly prefers to bottom, but can show dominance even from that position if only due to his default nature being pretty demanding. he can be submissive, however, if both the circumstances and his own mood allow.

  • i reserve the right to refuse play.

  • i will not interact with minors and block any who follow me.

  • i will do my best to provide ample warning before posting risquΓ© content.

  • if at any point i upset you, please tell me. i will do my best to correct the behavior.

  • please have patience with me. i will always have patience with you.

  • i reserve the right to refuse delving into themes that make me uncomfortable.

  • my kink limits are micro/macro, scat, mysophilia, vore, hard emetophilia, watersports, anything involving minors (suggesting it might even get you blocked, i am that thoroughly against it), noncon, ABDL, BBC, cheating/adultery, NTR, cuckoldry, and most niche penetration kinks (ears, nipples, etc.).

  • both muse and mun are to be referred to with he/him pronouns. ooc transphobia gets you blocked. ic transphobia gets your muse a post of okada killing them, then a block.

  • in terms of combat, i know when to take an L, and i expect you to know the same. i prefer to use dice for battles against other servants or beings of equal power.

  • okada is gay. i will not ship him romantically or sexually with women.

  • okada is a man of violent temperament. interacting with him is accepting that he may become prone to violence at any point, unless he knows you well and doesn't harbor such feelings as a result.

  • i won't highlander-- meaning i do not follow the mentality of "there can only be one (okada)". i welcome doubles. if you do not, let me know and i will softblock you and avoid interaction in the future.

  • i allow crossovers. any and all. cringe culture is dead. let's bury it.

  • i do multiship, meaning every ship is in its own timeline. let's not make each other uncomfortable over a hobby, alright?

Name: Alexei/Alex
Gender: Transmasculine
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: gay (mlm)
Marital status: Engaged
Age: 25
Timezone: Central Standard Time (GMT -6)
Discord: DINGO | Lobelia#8499

art by BlazinAhegao and halbwang, both on twitter.
more to come in time.